South Yorkshire Transport Trust 

South Yorkshire Transport Trust is a registered charity in England & Wales (1198891). 

Although some of the collection is privatley owned, many of the vehicles are owned by South Yorkshire Transport Trust and are funded purley from the donations recieved by enthusiasts and supporters, or through the kind hearted volunteering from private owners and the general public. 

Our Open days help us to fund & support trust owned vehicles however, the high costs involved in not only renevation and mainernance work, but insurance and general upkeep far outweigh the funds surplus to support each and every vehicle.

We fully understand how hard the cost of living affects each and every one of us today, but we would be extremely grateful of any of the following support you could offer in helping us to restore, return to the road and showcase our vehicles.

Donate directly by clicking the 'Donate' button below. 

Send us an message via our email with the amount you have donated and which vehicle you would like it allocated to. We look forward to receiving your donation and email. 

Get involved by volunteering. 

You don't have to own a vehicle to be part of the team here at South Yorkshire Transport Trust. We have several volunteers that already that support the collection, and we can honestly say without them we would'nt be able to keep on top of everything that is needed for enthusiasts and the general public to be able to enjoy the vehicles on display. 

To get involved simply email us with the email reference 'I'd like to volunteer please'. 
Don't worry if you havent got mechanical or electrical skills, it's not just about that. There are many diferent tasks and jobs that can support what we do, but we aim to provide all our volunteers with insight and support in devloping those skills. 

If you volunteer, you will gain full access to the Eastwood premises, the collection  and enjoy free entry to our annula open days. 
You will also receive safety equipment and PPE and be safe in the knowldge that your are fully insured with us. 

We look forward to hearing from you. soon.  

Sponsor a trust vehicle.

If you have a passion to see a particular vehicle within the collection back to full health and roaming the roads of South Yorkshire, why not sponsor the vehicle on a monthly subscription?
Subscriptions can range from support of the vehicle ground rent, purchase of parts and materials, use of vehicle lifts and equipment and finallly finish and paint. 

Get in touch with us via email to discuss the options available, and how you can support a vehicle through sponsorship.